LPSS to begin new city bus pilot program
Apr 02, 2018 11:07AM ● By Flint Zerangue, Sr.
For those Lafayette High Magnet Academy students who live out-of-zone, a new city bus pilot program is in the works for the 2018-2019 school year.
Lafayette Parish School System is offering an alternative busing option for students who do not live near the LPSS bus routes after the number of buses were cut down last year. This pilot city bus option would affect nearly 100 students who attend the Academy of Health Career and Gifted Program at Lafayette High School.
According to LPSS officials, the bus routes available for students are city bus routes 10, 50 and 60.
Bus vouchers will be given to students. A transfer will take place at Rosa Parks Transportation Center in downtown Lafayette where students will then board another bus which will drop them off near Lafayette High. A uniformed police officer will be on duty at the Rosa Parks Center.
These city buses are equipped with GPS devices so parents can keep track of where their children are when in route. Cameras will also be in place, similar to LPSS buses.
Parents are being given the chance to ride the route with their children before hand to teach them how to safely and properly make the transfer.
Letters and bus vouchers are expected to be sent to students after Easter according to LPSS.