LUS Fiber and LUS to Unveil Smart Street Technology during Festival International Opening Ceremonies
Apr 25, 2018 11:05AM ● By Staff Writer
(April 24, 2018) — LUS Fiber and LUS are proud to announce “Rue de Technologie,” a smart street pilot program that will bring new technologies to the Downtown area and enhance the experience of Festival International attendees. Appropriately named, “Rue de Technologie” serves as a sneak-peak into the possibilities of a Smart City street in Lafayette. Located on Jefferson St., between Garfield St. and Congress St., the smart street will be equipped with LED smart street lights, smart signage, free public Wi-Fi and safety sensors.
Street lights play a key role in the development of today’s smart cities. With the ability to be remotely controlled, the Smart LED lights can turn on and off, flash, dim and more, offering the possibility to maximize low-energy lighting benefits while also providing more illumination and improving pedestrian safety.
“Smart lighting helps cities save energy, lower costs and reduce maintenance, but more importantly, our streets will be better lit, which translates into potentially fewer accidents and a higher level of safety for our citizens at night,” said Terry Huval, Director of LUS and LUS Fiber.
Several smart monitors will be on display throughout “Rue de Technologie.” These smart monitors will be linked to pedestrian cameras on Jefferson St., as well as cameras at the LUS Scène Internationale. Along with real-time feeds from the pedestrian and stage cameras, an interactive social media wall will be part of the rotating content on the monitors. Festival-goers can take advantage of the free public Wi-Fi, and use #LUSFiber, #LUSLovesFestival or #FestivalSmarter on social media platforms to be featured on the screens displayed on the street.
Huval stated, “Lafayette is continuing to stake its claim as a tech leader in the state by utilizing technology to create a safer and more engaging experience for our residents and visitors.”