Lafayette Library Board of Control President Resigns Amid Drag Queen Story Time Controversy
Aug 28, 2018 09:07AM ● By Flint Zerangue, Sr.Joseph Gordon-Wiltz, the Parish President’s appointee to the Library Board has resigned amid controversy surrounding the scheduling of “Drag Queen Story Time.”
The library events calendar lists the October 6th event as family-friendly, stating “Join us for an afternoon of books, songs, and activities led by drag queens from UL Lafayette's Delta Lambda Phi chapter. Recommended for Ages 3-6 and their families.”
Mayor-President Joel Robideaux stated in an August 21st press release that, “…events of the Lafayette Public Library are neither authorized nor approved by Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG), including the Drag Queen Story Time event scheduled for October 6, 2018, at the Library Main Branch.”The scheduling of Drag Queen Story Time and its targeted age group has sparked much debate throughout the community. However, events such as this have been happening across the country for several years.
The national chapter of Delta Lambda Phi Social Fraternity (DLP) posted the following statement on their website. “[DLP] strongly supports its members from the UL Lafayette Provisional Chapter who are coordinating the Drag Queen Story Time Event with the Lafayette Public Library, an event that has occurred in public libraries across the country. This program teaches love, diversity and acceptance—powerful and positive messages from which all can benefit, and we are grateful to have a community partner like the library who shares these values…”
As this story develops, Parish News will continue to update its findings.
Cover Photo of JP Kane, a kindergarten teacher from Toronto who also performs in drag. See his video here: