Camel at Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete Being Checked After Woman Admits Biting Him On The Testicles
Sep 23, 2019 03:13PM ● By News DeskOriginal story by Kevin Barnhart / Louisiana Radio Network (LRN) - 9/23/2019:
UPDATED*: According to a report published earlier today by the Louisiana Radio Network, a Florida woman bit the testicles of Casper the camel at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana after she found herself under the animal. Truck stop manager Pamela Bossier told LRN the woman and her husband entered the camel's enclosure to retrieve their dog when the encounter went south.
Bossier stated that the camel did sit on her, then she bit him in the private area and the camel got off...
The LRN report states that security camera footage shows the couple was throwing dog treats to the camel when their unleashed dog ran into the camel’s enclosure.
An initial inspection of the camel’s scrotum did not show any teeth marks or tearing of the flesh, but Bossier says a witness says there is a reason for that--the female witness said she thinks the women didn't have any teeth.
Bossier stated she didn't know if that was true, but it could explain why there are no bite marks. A veterinarian has been called to check the animal for any injuries.
Bossier told reporters, Caspar is usually a pretty nice animal.
* The woman was brought to a hospital for observation. Deputies gave her and her husband summonses for trespassing and for not having their dog on a leash.