Acadiana Regional Airport Receives Certification For 170 Acre Large Industrial Tract Site Program
Jan 16, 2020 03:32PM ● By Press ReleaseLAFAYETTE, La. – On Thursday, Acadiana Regional Airport (ARA)*, One Acadiana (1A), Iberia Industrial Development Foundation (IDF), and CLECO announced a 170.28-acre site located at the Acadiana Regional Airport has been certified under the Louisiana Economic Development (LED) Certified Sites program.
Working with partners across the region, One Acadiana’s site development efforts respond to the needs of site selectors and relocating businesses. Establishing a landing pad for businesses is a crucial ingredient to attracting jobs and investment to the Acadiana Region.
The Acadiana Regional Airport P4 Site is Acadiana’s 15th certified site and is the third certified site in Iberia Parish. As a certified site, it meets the state’s priority to certify large tracts of land, known as Industrial Sites.
Iberia Parish President Larry Richard said, “Today’s certification at Acadiana Regional Airport is another indication that Iberia Parish, Louisiana is investing in the right infrastructure for growing businesses. We are proud of the great assets we have to offer and look forward to the jobs and business growth that can be created here.”
“Through key partnerships, Iberia Parish has now achieved certification on three sites, two of which are at the Acadiana Regional Airport,” said Troy Wayman, President & CEO of One Acadiana. “One Acadiana's continued focus on site certification ensures that our nine-parish region is competitive as a great place for businesses to start, relocate, or expand.”
A Louisiana Economic Development Certified Site is a development-ready industrial site that has completed a rigorous review process by Louisiana Economic Development and an independent, third-party engineering firm. Specific site details, such as zoning restrictions, title work, environmental studies, soil analysis and surveys, are assessed for compliance and authenticity.
Iberia Parish Airport Authority, IDF, CLECO and 1A worked closely together to secure the certification of this site. One Acadiana's Site Development program is designed to increase the region's portfolio of marketable, development-ready sites by certifying land within the nine-parish region. This is achieved through partnership between One Acadiana, local economic development partners, Louisiana Economic Development, and landowners.
“Iberia Parish, Louisiana is open for business and primed for growth,” said Mike Tarantino, Interim Director of ARA and President & CEO of IDF. “The certification of this 170-acre site at the Acadiana Regional Airport provides another great choice for businesses looking to locate or expand. We are investing in the right sites to match our world-class workforce; this certifies that we are ready to grow.”
Landowners interested in learning more about how the site certification process can make their property more marketable can contact 1A Director of Business Development Zach Hager at [email protected].

*Acadiana Regional Airport is a General Aviation Airport, fully-certificated under Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 139 (Federal Aviation Administration F.A.R. Part 139). The primary feature is an 8,002-foot long, 200-foot wide concrete runway and fully instrumented airfield. Located just north of U.S. Highway 90 (the future Interstate 49 corridor) and just south of Louisiana Highway 182, the airport also features direct rail access, a 5,000-foot lighted water runway for amphibious aircraft and a rail-to-truck offloading facility.
The airport's close proximity to the Port of Iberia and its 16-foot-deep main navigation channel spotlights the intermodal transportation available.
By air, water, or ground, you can watch your business take off at Acadiana Regional Airport!
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