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District Attorney Issues Request for LUS and LUS Fiber Investigation Materials

Feb 13, 2020 11:10AM ● By News Desk
Lafayette Consolidated Government Building

Lafayette Consolidated Government Building

Lafayette, La -- Mayor-President Josh Guillory has confirmed that his administration will comply with a request from 15th Judicial District Attorney Keith Stutes for documents related to internal investigations, inquiries, audits, or examinations regarding LUS, LUS Fiber, and any former or present employees of LCG, LUS, and/or LUS Fiber. 

The District Attorney’s request stems from a recent announcement by Guillory of a raid that occurred in the fall of 2019 of LUS and a subsequent request of the Louisiana State Police for an investigation concerning the integrity of public records, the destruction of which appears to be an attempt to cover up a crime. Further, there are concerns regarding possible violations of law related to the matter of questionable payments from LUS to LUS Fiber and the motivations behind and appropriateness of said payments.

Lafayette City-Parish Attorney Gregory Logan provided notice to the District Attorney of the administration’s request for an investigation by the Louisiana State Police into possible criminal destruction or alteration of documents at LUS, as required by Louisiana Revised Statute 24:523.

Mayor-President Guillory received a letter from the District Attorney dated February 7, 2020 in which Stutes stated, “I consider your notice to be the filing of a complaint directly with this office.” In accordance with the District Attorney’s Constitutional Authority in this matter, Guillory’s administration is in the process of responding to the request for certified copies of the following:

“Any and all documents or writings or memorandum, compiled as a result of or in any way connected to any internal investigations, inquiries, audits, or examinations by LCG or any other public or private entities, including, but not limited to the Louisiana Public Service Commission, the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, regarding LUS, LUS Fiber, and any former or present employees of LCG, LUS and/or LUS Fiber.”

“My administration will fully comply with the District Attorney’s request for documents and materials related to any investigation and inquiry of LUS and LUS Fiber. We understand and respect the District Attorney’s authority in this matter and we seek a prompt and appropriate legal resolution,” Guillory stated.

“The ultimate goal is to identify and correct the administrative and operational weaknesses that have allowed for questionable, financial support and illegal subsidization between LUS and LUS Fiber so that we may transition both entities to lawful and financially healthy operations,” Guillory concluded.
